Thursday, February 6, 2014


Wow - it has been FOREVER since I updated! I can't believe I forgot to update at my year "surgiversary."

School has been absolutely bonkers. Both concerts got canceled in December due to winter weather, and we have used tons of snow days in January. So, I've been busy playing catch up and wondering how in the hell we're going to put on a musical in April with all of these days off school. Somehow it will all work out… I hope.

I continue to maintain my weight, which I'm not horribly happy about, but it's my fault, so I really can't complain too much. I could be making smarter choices with my food, but I'm not. I also quit running when it got cold outside. The cold air is killer on my lungs.

So, I've fixed both of those things. Time to be smarter about my food, and I bought a treadmill! I don't love running on the treadmill, but it's great for when I can't get outside in the cold. Hopefully these things will kickstart my weight loss again. Truth be told, a year after surgery, I've lost most of the benefits of my small stomach. I still avoid sugar like the plague, but I need to up my protein and lay off the carbs. So, 92 pounds is still my number.

I met my plastic surgeon over Christmas break. I have to lose the last 50 pounds before I can have any skin removal, so that's the goal.

I am training for another 5K in April! Woohoo!

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