Saturday, December 22, 2012


As I'm guessing you have figured out - I survived!

The procedure itself went fine. No problems. However, I did barf after they put the IV in. It had been a while since I had one of those and it was particularly painful! I had to sit in pre-op for quite a while. My surgeon and nurses were great and took great care of me. Mom and Dad came back to me while I was in recovery. Apparently I asked about Maggie multiple times. 

The pain when I woke up wasn't too bad - much less than I thought it would be. Really the pain in general was similar to my gall bladder removal. I was feeling pretty good by Wednesday night.

Thursday was horrible - I started becoming nauseous with the morphine and every other pain medicine. On top of that, I was having pretty painful gas pain. I was trying to get up and move around, but that just made me throw up. I threw up in the hallway while I was walking. To make things more fun, I had to do a barium swallow and x-ray when I was feeling so horrible. They took me off the pain medicine that night and put me on straight tylenol. I felt much better on Friday morning. 

My surgeon came in on Friday morning and told me I could go home! Of course, I didn't actually get discharged until about 4pm. 

Maggie was so excited to see me. She knows something is up with me, but she doesn't yet understand why she can't be on my lap and why I'm not playing. Dad stayed the night with me last night and Mom is on her way down right now.

Currently, most of my pain is at my incisions. I have 5 incisions with staples in them (ew) and one of the incisions has my surgical drain in it. My drain and staples will come out at the end of this week, which will be thrilling. The drain is just a pain and I have to be really careful that I don't sleep on it or yank on it. I'm also still having gas pain, but gas-x is taking care of most of that. 

Learning my body's new signals is tough. I am drinking my protein shakes and eating pudding, but I can't tell if I'm full or if it's just surgical pain. Sometimes I get intense pain after I swallow a pill, but I don't know if that's my new belly telling me it's full, or if it's just pain from surgery. 

I'm getting less sore and up more often, so I will try to keep updates more regular!

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