Today, I got a very important letter in the mail.
My insurance has approved my sleeve gastrectomy! My doctor has now scheduled my surgery for Wednesday, December 19th. I have pre-op appointments scheduled for December 5th.
I have been out of school for two weeks now because of pneumonia. This worried me a little because they only operate on healthy patients. Luckily, the nurse said I should be fine for the surgery. They will check me out on the 5th and make sure I am good to go.
Having pneumonia has put a strain on my sick leave at school, so I'm a little nervous about taking time off for the surgery. I have to keep my fingers crossed that I heal quickly without complications. I have to take 3 days off at the end of the semester for the surgery, and then I will have almost two full weeks off before I have to go back.
Right now I'm supposed to be on a 1400 calorie diet. This is difficult with Thanksgiving approaching! The doctor wants me to take off just a little weight to help shrink my liver before surgery. I've taken off a few pounds, so I'm happy with that. This will be my last normal Thanksgiving ever! Definitely no holiday sweets, either. But, I know that it will be worth it to be healthy!